Brighton North Rotary together with World of Difference have been successful in obtaining a Rotary Foundation District International Grant (total $18,000) to renovate toilets in the village of Kok Tnoth in Cambodia.


Thank you again for Rotary Brighton North’s initiative to arrange a district grant to support the renovations of the last of the original toilets we built in Kok Tnoth Village. As you are aware, the toilet doubles as a wash room which is very important for the women as often they have no privacy when washing themselves or their children.

Our earlier design of sanitary toilets had not taken this into account.  The brickwork was at floor level and the walls became continually wet which damaged the timber structure. Also, our earlier toilets had thatch walls to comply with requirements of the archeological park authority.  Kok Tnoth Village is in the Angkor archeological park area.  This requirement has been relaxed and for the last 4 years we have used colorbond steel for the walls and roof.  We have also added the steel framed door.

The actual underground septic tank system did not need any changes.  Hence renovations only involve removing the original above-ground structure and rebuilding the toilet to incorporate a wash room. We had originally planned to begin these renovations when the wet season started but our work schedule has changed, so we have begun those renovations.


Originally Cambodian Clean Water and Toilets and other NGO’s constructed simple toilets in Cambodian Villages with only a flimsy door and bamboo thatch walls. These facilities are completely unsuitable as washrooms particularly for females as privacy is impossible and the construction of the original toilet makes them unsuitable as combined washrooms and toilets.   

A washroom toilet is an enclosed space that is very significant in improving general hygiene, safety and gender equity in Cambodia. Each washroom toilet will be created using the below ground structures of older toilets; large enough for women to have privacy when washing themselves and their children. A lockable door will provide secure space for women to attend to their sanitary needs. 

The Project plans to complete the renovation of the remaining original toilets in the village of Kok Tnoth into washroom toilets. Local villagers will be engaged to perform the construction work thereby enhancing local skills.


Two tank septic system - one for processing sewerage and one for discharging clean water back into the environment

- water testing is clear evidence of the health hazard a single stage tank system has to contaminate bore water with disease bacteria.

The digester tank is 1,000 litres in volume and for a family of 6, should take 15-20 years to fill.